By default, the input type="date"
shows date as YYYY-MM-DD
The question is, is it possible to force it's format to something like: DD-MM-YYYY
Unfortunately, you cannot directly change the display format of the input type="date"
element to show "DD-MM-YYYY". Here's why and what your options are:
Browser Limitations:
JavaScript Libraries:
input type="text"
).Custom Date Picker:
Masking and Guidance:
input type="text"
).Example (JavaScript and Date-fns):
<input type="text" id="myDate">
<script src=""></script>
const dateInput = document.getElementById('myDate');
const datePicker = new Datepicker(dateInput); // Assuming you're using a datepicker library
datePicker.onSelect(date => {
dateInput.value = dateFns.format(date, 'dd-MM-yyyy');
Key Considerations:
Unfortunately, you cannot directly change the display format of the input type="date"
element to show "DD-MM-YYYY". Here's why and what your options are:
Browser Limitations:
While you can't dictate the date picker format, here are the best alternative approaches:
JavaScript Libraries:
Custom Input with Formatting:
<input type="text">
)Clear Instructions (Less Ideal):
Example (Custom Input with Formatting):
<input type="text" id="myDate" placeholder="DD-MM-YYYY">
<script src=""></script>
Inputmask({ mask: "99-99-9999" }).mask(document.getElementById("myDate"));
Important Note: Even if you change the display in the input field, the submitted value will still likely be in the browser's default "YYYY-MM-DD" format. You'll need to handle this conversion on your server-side code if necessary.
Unfortunately, you cannot directly change the display format of the input type="date"
element to show "DD-MM-YYYY". Here's why and what your options are:
Browser Limitations:
JavaScript Libraries:
Custom Input with Masking:
input type="text"
).Clear Instructions:
input type="date"
element to indicate the expected format ("DD-MM-YYYY").Example (Custom Input with Masking):
<label for="myDate">Enter Date (DD-MM-YYYY):</label>
<input type="text" id="myDate" />
const dateInput = document.getElementById('myDate');
dateInput.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
// Allow only numbers, dashes, and backspace
if (!/[0-9\-Backspace]/.test(event.key)) {
// ... add logic to insert dashes and validate date