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What is the method for styling an iframe with CSS?

Abbos Nurgulshanov
17 February 2024
212 times viewed

I have a basic webpage containing several iframe sections for displaying RSS links. How can I ensure that the page loaded within the iframe adopts the same CSS formatting as the main page?

Abbos Nurgulshanov
17 February 2024

Styling an iFrame with CSS:

To style the content within an iframe using CSS, you need to apply styles directly to the iframe element itself. Here's how:

1. Target the iframe element: Use the iframe selector to target all iframe elements on the page.

2. Use the contentDocument property: Access the document object of the iframe using the contentDocument property. This property returns an HTMLDocument object.

3. Style the contents: Use standard CSS rules to style the document within the iframe. For example, to change the font size of the text within all iframes:

iframe {
contentDocument.body {
font-size: 16px;


Ensuring Consistent CSS Formatting for Page Loaded Within iFrame:

To ensure that the page loaded within the iframe adopts the same CSS formatting as the main page, consider the following:

* Include the CSS file in the iFrame: Make sure that the CSS file used to style the main page is also included within the iframe's section.

* Use absolute URLs: Use absolute URLs (starting with http:// or https://) for all CSS resources (e.g., images, fonts) to ensure they are correctly resolved within the iframe.

* Set the iframe's seamless attribute: The seamless attribute removes the iframe's border and other visual cues, giving the impression that the content is part of the main page. This can help with consistency.

* Customize the iframe's srcdoc property: If you can control the content loaded within the iframe, consider using the srcdoc attribute to directly include the HTML and CSS code for that content. This ensures that the iframe's content is styled as desired.


Here's an example of how you can style an iframe using the above techniques:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">

  <iframe src="" seamless></iframe>

    // Access the iframe document object
    const iframeDocument = document.querySelector('iframe').contentDocument;

    // Apply CSS to the iframe's body = "#ffffff";

In this example, the iframe's content will have a white background color, in addition to any other styling defined in the main.css file.

Abbos Nurgulshanov
17 February 2024

Method for Styling an iFrame with CSS

1. Use the iframe selector: Apply CSS styles directly to the iframe element to control its appearance within the parent page.

2. Use the :host pseudo-class (Shadow DOM): When an iframe contains its own Shadow DOM (a separate DOM tree), you can use the :host pseudo-class to style the iframe's content from the main page.

Example Code:

Option 1: iframe Selector

iframe {
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;

Option 2: :host Pseudo-Class

iframe:host {
--primary-color: #f00; /* Define a custom CSS variable for the content */

/* Inside the iframe's Shadow DOM */
body {
color: var(--primary-color); /* Use the custom variable defined above */


Ensuring Page in iFrame Adopts Main Page's CSS Formatting:

1. Use the allow-same-origin attribute: This attribute allows the iframe to access the CSS styles from the main page.

2. Include the main page's CSS file in the iframe: Use the tag within the iframe to include the main page's CSS file.

Example Code:

In the main page:

<iframe src="rss-feed.html" allow-same-origin>

In the rss-feed.html iframe page:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="../main.css"> <!-- Include the main page's CSS file -->

Note: If the iframe's content comes from a different domain, you may need to implement a CORS policy on the server to allow cross-origin CSS access.

Abbos Nurgulshanov
17 February 2024

Method for Styling an iFrame with CSS:

To style an iframe using CSS, you need to use the iframe selector. This selector allows you to apply CSS styles directly to the iframe element itself.


1. Identify the iframe: Determine the ID or class assigned to the iframe element in your HTML code.
2. Write the CSS rules: Create CSS rules using the iframe selector. For example:

iframe {
/* Insert your CSS styles here */

Example CSS Code to Format an iFrame:

/* Set the iframe's border */
iframe {
border: 1px solid #ccc;

/* Set the iframe's width and height */
iframe {
width: 500px;
height: 300px;

/* Set the iframe's background color */
iframe {
background-color: #ffffff;

Ensuring the iFrame Content Adopts the Main Page's CSS:

To ensure that the page loaded within the iframe inherits the CSS formatting of the main page, you need to:

1. Provide a base URL: Add a tag to the section of the iframe's content page. This tag specifies the base URL for the content and allows it to inherit styles from the main page. For example:

  <base href="">

2. Set the iframe's sandbox attribute: By default, iframes sandboxed to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. This can prevent the iframe from inheriting styles from the main page. To allow CSS inheritance, set the sandbox attribute to allow-same-origin:

<iframe src="iframe-page-url" sandbox="allow-same-origin">

Note: If you are styling an external website within an iframe, the above methods may not work due to security restrictions. In such cases, you will need to contact the website's administrator to request permission to apply CSS styles to their page.

Abbos Nurgulshanov
17 February 2024

1. Inline CSS:

* Add the following attribute to the iframe tag:

<iframe src="rss_link" style="css-properties"></iframe>

* Replace css-properties with the desired CSS rules, enclosed in quotes.
* For example:

<iframe src="rss_link" style="width: 100%; height: 500px; border: 1px solid black;"></iframe>

2. External CSS File:

* Create a separate CSS file with the desired rules.
* Link the CSS file to the main page where the iframe is embedded.
* Use the target attribute to specify that the CSS rules should be applied to the iframe:

<link href="mystylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" target="_parent">

3. Shadow DOM (Modern Browsers):

* Shadow DOM allows you to create a separate styling environment for the iframe.
* This approach is recommended for better encapsulation and control.


1. Wrap the iframe in a

or other element with a unique ID.
2. Create a CSS file containing the rules for the iframe.
3. Use the :host selector to target the parent container and apply the iframe styles:

/* Example Content */

#iframe-container {
/* Rules for the parent container */

:host iframe {
/* Rules for the iframe using Shadow DOM */
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
border: 1px solid black;

1. Link the CSS file to the main page.


* Inline CSS takes precedence over external CSS.
* The target attribute may not be supported in all browsers.
* Shadow DOM is not supported in older browsers.